Elm Ave Safety Corridor

Saratoga Elementary School Bus Loading Improvements (Tier 1)

The bend in Elm St is a location where people naturally cross the street. An official crosswalk nearby would make crossing the street safer and more predicable for everyone. Flashing lights could be added to increase visibility and further enhance the crosswalk.

Elm Ave & 4th St Crosswalk (Tier 1)

The current school bus drop-off area lacks proper infrastructure, to divide students from passing traffic on Elm Ave. A physical barrier could be added between the bus lane and Elm Ave to protect students from passing traffic.

The Panther Paw Pathway (Tier 1)

A painted pathway could run along one side of Elm Ave, providing a safe space for students to walk and bike between the High School and Elementary School. The path could be designated with painted lines, panther paws or low-maintenance planter boxes to separate people from traffic.


Highway 130 Improvements